Predictive Analytics for Global Agriculture

Who We Are

TerraMetrics Agriculture leaders bring decades of diverse experience and a history of success. We’re proud to have assembled a team of scientists and business executives to maintain TMAI’s leading edge in scientific and technological advances in remote sensing.

  • Pioneers in developing and utilizing satellite data to create a 20-plus year crop vegetation database for crop modeling and comparative analysis.
  • Leaders in applying remotely sensed data to monitor vegetation conditions and model crop yields… anywhere in the world.
  • Members of a leading research consortium drawing from both government and private sectors, including NASA, USDA and RMA.
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TerraMetrics Agriculture

Belongs to a leading research consortium drawing from both the government and private sectors including NASA, USDA, and Planalytics.

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Fifth-generation Intel Core processors

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Fast SSD storage. Ready. Set. Done.

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Our Dedicated Professionals

Jude Kastens

KARS Director, Research Associate Professor

Research —

Jude is a numerical analyst and all-purpose data modeler with extensive experience working with MATLAB, ESRI ArcMap and ERDAS Imagine software. The focus of his work with the Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program involves using remote sensing data for agricultural applications such as crop yield forecasting, but his work extends to database management, hydrologic modeling, land cover change detection and ecological modeling.

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