TerraMetrics Agriculture Inc. (TMAI) is affiliated with the Kansas Applied Remote Sensing (KARS) program at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS. Drawing from many decades of agricultural and natural resource research and product development experience, KARS analysts and developers provide the framework for TMAI’s industry-leading GreenReport® crop condition reports and in-season crop yield forecasts.

Our History
TerraMetrics Agriculture Inc. (TMAI) is affiliated with the University of Kansas Applied Remote Sensing (KARS) Program, and the Kansas Biological Survey (KBS), incorporating 30 years of agricultural and natural resource research and product development experience. KARS and KBS are responsible for maintaining TMAI’s leading edge in research and commercial product development.
TMAI scientists and consultants work hand-in-hand with KARS Program scientists. The KARS Program is the home of the NASA Great Plains Regional Earth Science Applications Center (Great Plains RESAC ), one of only seven NASA centers of excellence in the United States selected in a national competition, and the only one dedicated to large scale agricultural remote sensing research.
As a NASA designated center, TMAI and the KARS Program receive direct research and technical support from several NASA agencies and participate in the highest-level NASA strategic planning meetings. The Program also serves on NASA’s technical advisory and review committees, presents research results at NASA sponsored workshops, and has real-time access to world satellite data coverage. TMAI and the KARS staff serve on national and international scientific editorial and advisory boards, and have chaired national remote sensing specialty groups for professional and scientific societies. These activities insure that TMAI will be on the leading edge of scientific and technological advances in remote sensing.
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TerraMetrics Agriculture Inc.
• Belongs to a leading research consortium drawing from both the government and private sectors including NASA, USDA, and Planalytics.
• Has developed state-of-the-art multi-temporal data analysis techniques for identification of land cover types using LANDSAT satellite data.
• Operates an AVHRR satellite ground receiving station for North and Central America, and has near real-time access to data from South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe.
• Is the leader in the development of proprietary models to determine crop yields from remotely sensed data, with the ability to monitor vegetation condition and model crop yields anywhere in the world.
• Is the leader in developing and utilizing satellite data to create a 11-year crop/vegetation database for crop modeling and comparative analysis.
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