Predictive Analytics for Global Agriculture

Our Insights

Onset of Greenness map

TerraMetrics Agriculture specializes in agricultural analysis and applications development using remote sensing and other data sources. TMAI is partnered with the Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program (KARS), established in 1972 at the University of Kansas. TMAI-KARS has been conducting joint agricultural research and product development since 1995.

We have an experienced team of GIS experts and data analysts with a wide array of capabilities. Contact us now with questions.

Data Processing

Development and handling of nearly all types and sizes of image databases, GIS vector layers, and tabular data


Linear and non-linear statistical and econometric modeling, such as regression, genetic algorithms, neural networks, decision tree

Specialties: land cover mapping, topographic analysis (e.g., floodplain mapping), predictive modeling, data visualization, data mining

Problem Solving

Flexibility with problem identification and novel solution development, and custom model creation


Satellite GreenReport®

A weekly map series that monitors crop and vegetation conditions and change for the U.S.

Crop Yield Reporting

A bi-weekly look at 8 major crops in the U.S. Accurate forecasts weeks ahead of USDA reporting.

Range Pasture and Forage Insurance Product

Using satellite data to monitor range and pasture conditions in conjunction with the USDA RMA.

Electric Corridor Vegetation Management

Improved remote sensing and GIS techniques to monitor and identify vegetation hazards in right of way.

Drought Monitoring

Monitor drought conditions for the state of Kansas in conjunction with The Kansas Water Office.